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Home Made Electronic Christmas Card

A simple light up christmas card • Posted by Tyler H.

I am going to walk through how to make a simple light-up Christmas card using LEDs, copper tape, and a battery. WARNING: I do not recommend mailing these cards, never know what will happen if the circuit is live the whole time it is going through the postal system.

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Medium 106412 2f2014 12 27 025235 img 20141226 182505450 Medium 106412 2f2014 12 27 025237 img 20141226 182509423 Medium 106412 2f2014 12 27 025240 img 20141226 184157487 Medium 106412 2f2014 12 27 025242 img 20141226 184205995


I am going to walk through how to make a simple light-up Christmas card using LEDs, copper tape, and a battery. WARNING: I do not recommend mailing these cards, never know what will happen if the circuit is live the whole time it is going through the postal system.


  1. Small 106412 2f2014 12 23 180534 img 20141223 081426873

    First step is to look at the LEDs you plan to use. The shorter of the two leads is going to go to the negative side of the battery.

  2. Small 106412 2f2014 12 23 180538 img 20141223 081405511

    You can test the polarity of your LEDs directly by placing a watch battery between the two leads and seeing which orientation causes the LED to light up. NOTE: Some LEDs work both ways.

  3. Small 106412 2f2014 12 23 180553 img 20141223 081332055

    Here is a simple circuit. The negative terminal of the battery is on the copper tape leading to the negative lead of the LED. The positive lead is connected to the copper tape heading of to the right of the battery. All it takes is one little fold and...

  4. Small 106412 2f2014 12 23 180603 img 20141223 081341231

    ...eureka! The circuit is complete! So far I have shown the leads being taped over the copper tape, but depending on the copper tape you use you may be able to affix the leads under that instead.

  5. Small 106412 2f2014 12 23 180610 img 20141223 081528998

    If you want to use multiple LEDs, they will have to be setup in a parallel circuit like what is shown here.

  6. Small 106412 2f2014 12 23 180617 img 20141223 081535934

    And here we see the two LEDs lighting up when the circuit is completed.

  7. Small 106412 2f2014 12 27 025139 img 20141226 182509423

    Here are these principles applied to simple card design. I used a bit of tape to make sure pressure was required for the battery to make full contact with the copper tape.

  8. Small 106412 2f2014 12 27 025149 img 20141226 184205995

    Here is another one. Better circuit, same sub-par artwork by me. :P

  9. Small 106412 2f2014 12 27 025153 img 20141226 184221708

    Here is the backside showing the circuit. Scotch tape is placed between the two overlapping pieces of copper tape to prevent a short circuit.

  10. Anyway, that's the basics of it. Best thing to to is sit down and play with the idea. I suggest finding some images online if your artistic skills are similar to mine.