Home Cinema Pack
How to cheer up the rainy day blues for you and a friend
Posted by Louise P.
You Will Need (6 things)
- 4 packets mixed Sweets
- 6 tbsp Popcorn Kernels
- 20 cm Ribbon
- 6 x A4 Paper White
- 6 x Small Plastic Bags
- 6 x fortune Cookies
Steps (1 step, 60 minutes)
You need to print the popcorn bags and tickets from the toymaker website.
Then using the bags as inspiration design bag labels for your sweets, fortune cookies and popcorn bags.
Use eye catching font for labels - as mine were a retro theme I used a seventies style font. For the popcorn bags you will need to add cooking instructions to the back of the pack. I used small cellophane card bags as they were very neat.