Cut Out + Keep

Holly Golightly Sleep Mask

holly golightly, breakfast at tiffany's • Posted by Cheap Champagne

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Medium picture 9 1207331885



  1. Watch the video.

  2. Small 7555

    tacky glue: like craft store store brand or mod podge scissors Measuring tape Embroidery needle and needle threader Fabric pencil: a sharpie’ll do to, just write on the wrong side of the fabric Exacto knife Gold cord: it’s really cheap and pretty. Teal felt: this felt set me back .25 a peice Ruler and elastic thread: elastic thread is inexpensive. Pick it up at the craft store. Cardboard: flexible cardboard, like the kind that beer comes encased in. You can also use the box from soda, crackers, cereal, or, cake

  3. Small 7549

    Trace and cut out the shape of your mask from the cardboard. Trace and cut out the two sleepy eyelids also.

  4. Small 7550

    Take your felt and stack them on top of eachother. Using your fabric pencil, trace the felt using the cardboard cut outs. Cut out your felt.

  5. Small 7551

    Glue your felt onto both sides of the cardboard cutout. And one side of each eyelid. pinch the straight edge of your eyelids create the curved look of sleepy eyelids. Glue the edges of your eyelids and press into place. Apply glue to the circumfrense of the mask and adhere gold cord. Take a small portion of the cord and unwind it to make single ply gold cord to adorn the mask with eyelashes and eyebrows. Place the mask to dry for 24 hours on a surface that'll allow it to bend.

  6. Small 7552

    Measure your head subtract an inch to allow for streatching, cut the elastic thread appropriatly.

  7. Small 7553

    Thread the needle threader through the embroidery needle. Theread the elastic thread through the needle threader and pull the threader through the needle. Viola!

  8. Small 7554

    Next tie a knot on the end of the thread. Starting from the front of the mask poke the needle through and continue on the other side starting from the back of the mask. Tie a knot. Ta Da. Sweet Dreams!!!