• Posted by Jerry D.
This was really hard for me to make. I sewed lace over a plain plastic mask I got at Micheal's Craft Store. Getting the right color thread that would show up took a lot of time, but it's worth it. There were metal rivets behind where the ribbons on the side are, from the original ties on the mask. Be sure to have a ceramic or metal thimble if you're going to try this!! pushing a needle through the thick plastic hurts your fingers!
This was really hard for me to make. I sewed lace over a plain plastic mask I got at Micheal's Craft Store. Getting the right color thread that would show up took a lot of time, but it's worth it. There were metal rivets behind where the ribbons on the side are, from the original ties on the mask. Be sure to have a ceramic or metal thimble if you're going to try this!! pushing a needle through the thick plastic hurts your fingers!