• Posted by Amabel R.
Choose fabric...
Take a pre-existing skirt and make sure your fabric is doubled. Measure the width at the bottom of the skirt and draw a line matching the width. Finish a the square/rectangle by drawing the same length on the skirt also.
Sew the sides together and hem the bottom. (Sorry at this point I was on a roll and forgot pics!)
Take your elastic and wrap it around your waist to make sure it's the perfect amount. Sew the sides together with a zig-zag stitch.
Pin at the key points! Take the front of the waistband and the fabric and pin it together. Do the same for the back and the sides. Pull the fabric in for the sides. Like my pic :)
Sew!Make sure to stretch the waistband while you sew so it equals the fabric.
You've got a skirt!