Cut Out + Keep

Hidden Love Scarf

A scarf made of hidden hearts! Jersey hearts to be exact. Happy Valentines! • Posted by M L.

This is a scarf I made for Valentines Day. I cut out a TON of hearts out of jersey. Then I sewed them together at the ends. You can see the heart at the end of the scarf in the picture. So the hearts are hidden but there. Thus, the hidden love scarf!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium pics 120


This is a scarf I made for Valentines Day. I cut out a TON of hearts out of jersey. Then I sewed them together at the ends. You can see the heart at the end of the scarf in the picture. So the hearts are hidden but there. Thus, the hidden love scarf!
