Here's The Venus!

This is a very impressive looking Origami Kusudama

Posted by Lanie V.


Create a beautiful kusudama that will receive many "wowzers".


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Paper
  • Needle And Thread

Steps (40 steps, 300 minutes)

  1. 1

    I'm using two sided origami paper to make ONE PIECE of the Kusudama. Purple on one side, grey on the other. To make the complete project you will need 36 pieces of paper measuring 3 inches by 3 inches square. All 36 units will be folded the same way. Once you learn how to fold ONE PIECE, you will be able to make the full project. Let's begin:
    Take your square, and fold in half as shown.

  2. 2

    Now, unfold it, and fold the other way as shown. :)

  3. 3

    Okay...unfold again, then fold diagonally as shown.

  4. 4

    Unfold again. Turn over paper, and fold diagonally with the other two remaining corners. The grey side is shown now, with the purple on the inside.

  5. 5

    Unfold...with the grey side of the paper facing up, place your finger at the centre point of the paper, and press down. This should make the paper square "pop-up".

  6. 6

    Grasp two of the diagonal corners as shown...

  7. 7

    Then slowly bring in the other two sides as shown.

  8. 8

    Okay...this is what you should have now. :)

  9. 9

    Lay flat, so it looks like a small purple square on your table. Focus on one tab as shown and create a flute shape (refer to diagram), and press down flat.

  10. 10

    Once you've pressed the paper down, your unit should look like this. Repeat this step for the remaining 3 sides.

  11. 11

    Okay, once the back side is folded, your unit looks like this.

  12. 12

    Turn the flap over on both sides so that it the one solid color on both sides as shown in the diagram.

  13. 13

    Fold down the left flap toward the centre line, then the right side.

  14. 14

    This is what your unit should look like now.

  15. 15

    Fold the flap down as shown in the diagram. Do the same for the remaining 3 sides.

  16. 16

    This is what your unit should look like now. :)

  17. 17

    Here is the top view of what it should look like.

  18. 18're going to love this....gently unfold your work...yup!

  19. 19

    Place your index finger over the pointed center tip and press down. This will "pop" the corners of the unit up.

  20. 20 attention....lets work on one of the four corners. Look at the diagram. Do you see where my thumb and pointer fingers are placed? Pull back those sections behind the first corner of your unit...

  21. 21

    Fold over the left flap of the "corner" towards the centre line. This should be easy to do as we have already made all of the "pre-fold" work in steps 1-17.

  22. 22

    Now fold over the other flap towards the centre line as shown.

  23. 23

    Fold flap down as shown.

  24. 24

    Now work on the second corner in exactly the same manner.

  25. 25

    After completing the second corner, this is what you should have now. Lets work on the third corner...

  26. 26

    Now we have completed the third corner. Look to the next diagram.

  27. 27

    To complete the fourth corner, you have to spread out the 3 completed corners to give your fingers room to complete the fourth.

  28. 28

    Now we just tuck in the fourth flap. This will hold secure the entire unit. :)

  29. 29

    Here is the top view of your completed unit. Look to the next diagram....

  30. 30

    Here is what your unit looks like from the have to make 35 more units for a grand total of 36!

  31. 31

    Sorry for the colour change...I had a personal request for a red/gold colour combo. Here are my 36 completed units. :))

  32. 32

    Now this is where you get out your needle and thread. Insert your needle a few centimetres from the tip as shown. Make sure you keep your needle straight.

  33. 33

    Push it down the length of the thread. Leave a long tail of thread. Thread on a total of six units.

  34. 34

    Here's what you should have thus far...

  35. 35

    Loosely tie a knot. This will create a circle of units. Make sure you tie it about 3 times for sturdiness. You need to make a total of six groups of these. :)

  36. 36

    Here are my 6 groups containing six units each which by the way make 36 units! Now we are going to put the whole thing together...won't be long now...promise!

  37. 37

    Okay...take ONE group, and plop it down in front of will need to centre it on a very very long piece of string.

  38. 38

    Grab the next grouping, and place on top of the first group, making sure that there are 3 units on each side of the string. Bring the long string up from the bottom of the fist unit and tie a gentle knot. Keep layering in this manner...

  39. 39

    Once all six groups are added, use the string and start wrapping the ball tighter. This will create the uniformity of the ball. Tie into a final knot, and snip excess!

  40. 40

    Congrats! You did it! I hope you have enjoyed my tutorial!