• Posted by adwildflower
I have been skeptical of the utility and practicality of the idea of freezing fresh (and thus rapidly aging) herbs in olive oil in ice cube trays but the overabundance of basil in my crisper led me to try and love this as a method of preservation.
I have been skeptical of the utility and practicality of the idea of freezing fresh (and thus rapidly aging) herbs in olive oil in ice cube trays but the overabundance of basil in my crisper led me to try and love this as a method of preservation.
While I can’t add much to what you might have read online already about how simple it is to chop herbs, pack into ice cube trays, and cover in olive oil for freezing, I can do a few things for you Dear Readers. I can attest to the practicality of doing so. I had almost half a pound of fresh basil withering away and was on the edge of spoiling. I chopped it (with the help of a friend who encouraged me to try it) and packed it into my ice cube trays. These are the trays that were gifted to me for my wedding and they are the biggest ice cube trays I have seen, and the quantity of oil + herb seems far more practical that a tiny, regular sized ice cube. If you need more ice cube trays, I love these and they can be purchased by searching for silicone ice cube trays by Casabella or by visiting my site here and purchasing them from Amazon through the affiliate link in the post and further supporting my little blog.
Of course, you don’t need fancy, big-block silicone ice cube trays to preserve your herbs. I just found it to be particularly handy to do so. Once the herbs are packed in their little cubbies, pour olive oil slowly over the top. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze overnight.
Once frozen, they can be stored in an airtight container. I pop one into a saucepan, turn it on low and let is slowly melt as I prepare the rest of my ingredients for my pasta sauce that evening. One cube is just enough oil and herb and it is my favorite way to use these.