Cut Out + Keep

Hearts By Hearts

Make hearts made from paper • Posted by Sammy 2020

Hey guys today ill make "Heart by Heart". I choose that name because when you stick heart, you stick it by another heart. So I wish you all have fun.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 101807 2f2014 05 16 180130 20140516 191348 Medium 101807 2f2014 05 16 180344 20140516 190742 Medium 101807 2f2014 05 16 180814 20140516 190742


Hey guys today ill make "Heart by Heart". I choose that name because when you stick heart, you stick it by another heart. So I wish you all have fun.


  1. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160157 20140516 181233

    the things you need for this project...

  2. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160310 20140516 181324

    first you need: *Paper (I use A4)... *pencil... *ruler...

  3. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160238 20140516 181542

    Make lines using ruler...

  4. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160450 20140516 182532

    Cut them... (don't forget to do the same for the 2nd paper)

  5. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160636 20140516 183549

    thing you need for next steps are: *papers(both 1st and 2nd)...

  6. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160705 20140516 184108

    fold both into half...

  7. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160733 20140516 184315

    put the 2nd inside the 1st...

  8. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 160911 20140516 184420

    do the same...

  9. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 175621 20140516 190624

    before u finish it will look like that...

  10. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 175823 20140516 190742

    let the first one you do inside the last one...

  11. Small 101807 2f2014 05 16 175855 20140516 191348

    Extra: wanna stick it in your room or some where... bring double side tape... wanna see where I put the tape... Click the same picture in the first... FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!