Heart Ears Headband

headband, cute, hearts, ears, accessories, hair

Posted by BRENDA N.



You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 Metal Headband
  • Polyester Stuffing Or Cotton
  • Scraps Of Fabric
  • Wire
  • 1 Needle
  • 8 in Fusible Interfacing

Steps (9 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    cut 2 pieces of paper
    shaped like a heart
    about 3" big

  2. 2

    fold your scrap of
    fabric in half and pin down
    both hears
    then cut them out

  3. 3

    by now you should have 4
    fold 2 of the hearts
    in half and
    cout out a other heart in
    the center

  4. 4

    now your going to have to
    get an other
    scrap piece
    and lay it over the heart
    the scrap piece
    has to be just a bit bigger
    than the small heart
    inside the heart

  5. 5

    now lay
    a piece of fusible
    interfacing over the heart
    iron it on then cut out the

  6. 6

    now get one of each heart turn
    them wrong sides out and pin them
    stitch all around the heart but leave
    enough space open to stuff it

  7. 7

    turn the hearts inside
    out and then
    stuff the he heart
    with what you have
    and don't stitch it

  8. 8

    ok so
    now your going to
    get your headband and wrap wire where
    the the hearts are going to go
    make sure you wrap it
    strong enough so it doesn't move
    (the wire will help the hearts stay in place ans stay up)

  9. 9

    put the hearts inside the
    wire then stitch them tight
    and your done :)!!