Cut Out + Keep

Health Smoothie

Delicious, Healthy Smoothie! • Posted by

I think Hippocrates said it best when he said; "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." And that is how I try to live my life! (I could spend all day talking about this but I'll save that for some other time!) Today I am going to tell you how to make a smoothie that I invented and have been drinking every day for the past couple weeks. Not only is it delicious, but it is super good for you! Especially in the summer, its really good to drink because it's cold, and easy to make!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium sdc17191kk Medium sdc17190ki


I think Hippocrates said it best when he said; "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." And that is how I try to live my life! (I could spend all day talking about this but I'll save that for some other time!) Today I am going to tell you how to make a smoothie that I invented and have been drinking every day for the past couple weeks. Not only is it delicious, but it is super good for you! Especially in the summer, its really good to drink because it's cold, and easy to make!


  1. Basic Smoothie Recipe: (I'm not giving you measurements, because I don't really have any. Just add however much you want of anything to match your tastes. Remember, you can always add more to it and blend it again) Ingredients: -Soy Milk (I'm lactose intolerant, so I use soy milk. It's delicious and really good for you) -1 Raw Egg (I know that there is a myth going around that says that raw eggs are bad for you, but I've been drinking this for weeks and it hasn't hurt me at all! Raw eggs are an excellent source of protein, and they add a thick foamy element to the smoothie. Try it, and I promise you won't get sick, and you will feel amazing! And in the immortal words of Gaston; "When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs ev'ry morning to help me get large, and now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs so I'm roughly the size of a barge!") -Honey (Just add to taste. After you blend the whole thing, try a little bit, and you can always add more if youwant it a bit sweeter, then blend again) -Ice -A TINY bit of Flax Seed (Oil or meal [Flax seed is extremely beneficial to your health. The omega-3 fatty acids in flax seed oil benefit almost every system of the body. Studies show that EPA and DHA can help to protect the cardiovascular system from a host of problems, including blood clots, high blood pressure, and high blood fat levels. People with diets rich in the omega-3 fatty acids {which flax seed has a LOT of} have a lower risk of death from heart disease. Other benefits include the ability to reduce inflammation and contribute to the health of the central nervous system. Studies have associated low intake of omega-3-rich foods with higher rates of depression and memory problems. Flax seed oil also appears to help the skin. Many users report that conditions like dandruff, psoriasis, eczema and dry skin have shown improvement with the use of flax seed oil as a dietary supplement. Likewise, flax seed oil is often used by bodybuilders, who feel it helps improve fat loss and body composition. See?!! Awesome right?!!]) And -One Banana (always add a banana to every smoothie, because not only are you making sure that you are getting at least one serving of a fruit, but the banana provides a base for all the other ingredients to stick to) Blend all the ingredients together. You can drink it just like this, or add a couple of the variations; Check out my blog for more variations, and pictures! (: