Cut Out + Keep

Headless Teddy Purse

Muhahaha! ...that is all.... • Posted by Becky M.

So my ex gave me this huge teddy bear, the day we broke up i tore it in two in the mist of a break down, the poor dear. Well i have this poor thing laying around for over a year. So i finally decided to do somethimg with the beheaded bear... So i stiched it up and made a purse!

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 063 1302570930 Medium 061 1302570953


So my ex gave me this huge teddy bear, the day we broke up i tore it in two in the mist of a break down, the poor dear. Well i have this poor thing laying around for over a year. So i finally decided to do somethimg with the beheaded bear... So i stiched it up and made a purse!
