Headband To Ring.

your gonna be so exciteeed!

Posted by SuperKat S.


i was cleaning out my room and i had some head band and a ring finding, so i decided "hey, i should make a ring!!!"


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Findings
  • 1 Hot Glue Gun
  • 1 Headband

Steps (5 steps, 3 minutes)

  1. 1

    plug in the hot glue gun, and get ready to have a cool ring :)

  2. 2

    okay, now when your attempting to remove the item you wish to put on your future ring, but BE CAREFUL. you dont want to rip the material that holds the item to the headband, but if you do (like i did) we can fix it.

  3. 3

    get the hot glue gun, and reattach the material back to the pendant. (almost finissssshed.)

  4. 4

    now, you put a dot of glue on the flat ring finding (you can find them extremely hidden at Micheal's or Joann's, but im sure you can find it much faster somewhere they have ring things) place it on the ring and let it dry for a couple seconds

  5. 5

    YOUR DONE!!!! now, go find something super chic to wear with your beautiful ring ;)