Cut Out + Keep

Hats For People I Like

Arianna - flower petal hat • Posted by she's crafty...

My favorite hat - a soft yellow hat that i knitted and sewed on pink and purple fabric petals. my good friend's baby's costume for her first halloween costume. she won first prize in a costume contest! i will ask if i can put her picture up too. Her cuteness makes the hat look a lot cooler. (the rest of the costume is a scrap fabric leaf covered onsie.)

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1 h 20


Medium img 0277 1308874980 Medium img 0274 1308876392


My favorite hat - a soft yellow hat that i knitted and sewed on pink and purple fabric petals. my good friend's baby's costume for her first halloween costume. she won first prize in a costume contest! i will ask if i can put her picture up too. Her cuteness makes the hat look a lot cooler. (the rest of the costume is a scrap fabric leaf covered onsie.)
