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Hat For An Old Sailor

A Christmas present for my Grandad. • Posted by Emily T.

My Grandad served in the British Royal Navy for nearly 30 years, as a part of his Christmas gift this year I made him a sailing cap inspired hat. I tweaked a pattern for a 1940's panama hat to make something halfway between a cap and a brimmed hat.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Medium photo on 2013 12 24 at 11.24 Medium photo on 2013 12 24 at 11.24  4 Medium photo on 2013 12 24 at 11.26  3


My Grandad served in the British Royal Navy for nearly 30 years, as a part of his Christmas gift this year I made him a sailing cap inspired hat. I tweaked a pattern for a 1940's panama hat to make something halfway between a cap and a brimmed hat.
