Harry Potter Wand
harry potter wand made from a stick
Posted by hayleyinabox
It was my friend's birthday recently, and she is an avid Harry Potter fan. I decided I was going to make her a wand. originally, I was following this link: http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-an-awesome-Harry-Potter-wand-from-a-sheet-of-/
but then i decided to forget it and try something else. this is what I ended up with!
You Will Need (6 things)
- Acrylic Paint
- Wooden Stick(s)
- 2 Bristle Brush 1 small & 1 large
- 1 Glue Gun
- 1 Sharp Knife
- 1 Permanent Marker
Steps (6 steps, 90 minutes)
find a stick! it shouldn't be that hard to find, if you are outside walking around, just look down at the ground a lot to find a nice sized stick. it doesn't have to be PERFECT (i had to do some trimming and whittling to mine), but make sure it feels right in your hand (perform a few spells to try it out :D ). The reason I decided on a stick is because it has this natural quality to it, I find the simple bends and curves in the wood are very nice and a lot more authentic.
if you need to, resize your stick (if it's far too large, i recommend using some shears or something REALLY sharp and strong, if you try to break it with your hands, you might end up messing it up all together) I took a kitchen knife and just started to whittle the tip. The objective is not to make it sharp, but rounded and slightly narrower than the base.
now it is time for the detail. I got this part from the link in the begining, I just figured it would really spice up the wand. :) so, grab your glue gun, and charge it up. hold the wand in one hand, and rotate it slightly, putting circles of glue in key spots. I highlighted the base with one heavy circle, then left enough room for the handle part, and did a little twirly design around the middle. for good measure, i added a circle at the tip. Let your glue dry, it doesn't take very long, but still, it's nice to have no surprises when you start the painting. :)
okie dokie, now that your glue is nice and dry, you get to start the painting!!! you can choose any color you want, but I went for a nice black (firstly because i thought it would add a nice effect and secondly because that's the only color I had). Seeing as the wand is round, you're going to have to paint it one side at a time (which is really no big deal because acrylic paint dries pretty fast). so grab your brush (a nice sized one), and start painting! it's okay if you paint on the glue, we'll be outlining it in another color later.
now that you've painted your whole wand (and you have let it take its time drying), you are ready to start the highlighting/painting the glue part. since my wand is black, I decided to highlight it with a nice dark grey/silver color. since i don't have silver paint, i just mixed the black and white together, when mixing you should just add a little at a time to avoid going past the color you want (it's all about patience here). you will also probably have to do this painting one side at a time, like the main part, to avoid smudging. use a smaller brush and small, detailed strokes.
and, we are finished! I recommend going back, using a permanent marker, and coloring in some spots you may have missed when painting. this part is optional, though. hope you guys enjoy your wands, and be safe with your spells!