• Posted by KMOM14
This is my first attempt at trying to craft a logo snowflake and it was to be for a friend that is a Harry Potter fan. Although I used plain copy paper, I believe the result would turn out better if heavier paper or card stock is used.
This is my first attempt at trying to craft a logo snowflake and it was to be for a friend that is a Harry Potter fan. Although I used plain copy paper, I believe the result would turn out better if heavier paper or card stock is used.
Fold the paper into quarters and draw out the logo. If you are going to add glitter glue, I would recommend adding before cutting out.
Cut around the lettering and outside edges. I was able to use scissors up to the point shown. To cut out the center at the top, I folded slightly and cut with scissors and then stuck in one blade and cut around the inside. I only had to use the X-Acto knife for the small details. To hang, cut pieces of thread and tape to the top edges and then to entry way or ceiling or can tape on the wall.