Inspired work! I almost bought the time turner from the Noble Collection. I spent a long time online trying to find a smallish hourglass with very little luck. This I am going to do!
I loved this idea to I made one but then the wire broke so I made a new one and then the wire broke again. Can you make these using tight string instead?
This was so totes awesome, I rumaged around the entire house found a bunch ton of key rings and kinda winged it. Not exactly and epic fail but all my rings spin the same way and theres a turtle charm in the middle. I'm going to the hardware store and when I do it right finally I'll post versions of my own, cause I'm making one for the boyfriend too. He doesn't know a thing about HP but he thought it was awesome. Kudos girlie.
CO + K User
I like your nails, too.
CO + K User