Harley Quinn Hood
A Harley Quinn hood for an obsessed Batman fangirl
Posted by Rukia K.
So, I've been getting into Batman ever since I started playing Arkham Asylum over last winter. I beat it, and went on to play Arkham City, which I have beaten as well. I dvr the animated series, I talk about it, I look up cosplay photos, etc. Well, Harley is one of my favorite characters, next to Joker, of course. She is so much fun, and she's in love with my favorite character! lol
Anyway, I thought it would be cool to make her hood. The costume itself would be exceedingly difficult, and I am not that skilled with a sewing machine yet, so I am not going to attempt it. Rather, I am buying the premade one for Halloween this year, which does come with the hood, but I like the fact that I made a hood with my own hands. I used three shirts. The black and red shirt were used to make the head. The remaining fabric of the black and another red shirt were used to make the cones. I stuffed each of the cones with felt, so it would be sturdy enough to not droop. I hot-glued one pom pom to each cone, and hot glued the cones to the head. I put the hood on my wig head and glued on the cones. Well, that was pretty much it. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.
You Will Need (4 things)
- optional Wig Head
- Needle And Thread
- 2 Pom Pom(s)
- Black Fabric