Harley Quinn Based Costume

harley quinn buslesque costume

Posted by harley r.


made to wear to the elf fantasy fair (a convetion for us crazies) has so much fun ^.^
yeah had to stop all my other big projects because i decided to go as my girl Harley 2 months before the event...
hurray for procrastination!

if someone would like to know how I made this i could make a how-to for my next costume, i think it will be simmulair, or i can try to make a how-to :)

(fun fact: when security asked my name and i said harley, they didnt believe me and i had to show my ID....)


You Will Need (7 things)

  • 5 m red and black Fabric give or take
  • Craft Foam
  • a lot of Lace
  • Make Up
  • Buckle(s)
  • Eyelets
  • Glue gun