Based on Happy Star iPod Cozy by Moxie D.
Finally got my butt off my chair and went out to get some fabric from a store... that is extremely far from my place sadly, cause I live in Singapore which is pretty hard to find good fabric D:
Anyway, my pattern is slightly different.... A lot different actually from the original, since this is an iPod Touch. Haha (: I hope you like this creation. OH, and I got this Robot template/idea thingy from another creation by : Jessica,
Its really cute, and... much cuter than mine. BUT. I still love it (:
Have an awesome day! :D
PuddyTat favorited Happy Star I Pod Cozy 22 Oct 22:40
You Will Need
Natalie C. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!