Cut Out + Keep

Happy Star I Pod Cozy

Based on Happy Star iPod Cozy by Moxie D. • Posted by Keeley C.

This was a bit of a challenge for me since I don't do a lot of hand stitching, but I ended up using both a blanket and a whip stitch on certain edges. I like it. I'll use it so a few little mistakes and appearance flaws won't faze me.

You will need


2 h 00


Medium dscn2788 1223132811 Medium dscn2789 1223132815


This was a bit of a challenge for me since I don't do a lot of hand stitching, but I ended up using both a blanket and a whip stitch on certain edges. I like it. I'll use it so a few little mistakes and appearance flaws won't faze me.
