Cut Out + Keep

Hanging Wish Doll

a cute rabbit wish doll • Posted by Monkiki62

i've seen these kind of dolls in japan, they are supposed to look like a ghost, but adding a cute animal twist is a fun way of making it original. they are supposed to grant your wish, when you hang them where you usually are. (like in your room)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium sany0780 1250385276


i've seen these kind of dolls in japan, they are supposed to look like a ghost, but adding a cute animal twist is a fun way of making it original. they are supposed to grant your wish, when you hang them where you usually are. (like in your room)


  1. okay so first get your material, i actually used some hanes white underwear, lol. its very stretchy and soft. cut it into a large cirlce.

  2. now fill the center of the circle with a ball of fiber filling (this is the head so add more or less depending on how large you want the head to be.) now cut a length of ribbon, long enough to tie into a bow.

  3. take the small square of paper and write your wish on it, add it to the fiber filling. (the wish goes into the head.)

  4. now hold the material under the head, and take the ribbon and tie it around, this closes the head. you should now have something that looks like a ghost with a bow on its neck.

  5. now take the white felt and make some sort of ears with it, any kind you like and glue them on the side of your dolls head. after it dries, take the black marker and draw on a face. (also its fun to take scissors and cut up the ends of the doll, its cuter not so perfect looking)

  6. lastly, take a needle and thread and run it through the dolls head, leave about 3 to 4 inches of thread left attatched to the doll, cut, and tie the end. (so now he/she can be hung up) and your finished! now hang it somewhere in your home!