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This unique handmade jewelry designs tutorial will show you how to handcraft pendants in a dragonfly pattern. This skyblue dragonfly features bright summer colors.
This unique handmade jewelry designs tutorial will show you how to handcraft pendants in a dragonfly pattern. This skyblue dragonfly features bright summer colors.
Materials and tools: Yellow transparent acrylic bead drop shape 3.5mm blue abacus glass beads 8mm blue abacus glass beads 10cm blue abacus glass beads 0.5mm blue copper wire 1.5mm gold alum wire Jump rings Silvery chain Round nose plier Flat nose plier Wire cutter
Step 1: prepare wings for dragonfly 1st, snip a piece of gold aluminum wire and loop the center position with round nose; 2nd, pull two ends as hard as you can to make the center loop as tiny as possible; 3rd, slide transparent yellow beads on both ends, pushing them against the loop; 4th, cut off extra length of wire and coil the ends.
Step 2: finish dragonfly pendant 1st, snip a piece of blue copper wire and thread it through a 4mm blue abacus bead; 2nd, squeeze the two ends together and slide four 6mm blue beads on; 3rd, add one dragonfly wing and respectively wrap copper wire back around center loop to balance the wing; 4th, slide a 6mm bead on and add a wing again in the same way above; 5th, slide the last 10mm bead and tie a granny knot atop to secure bead from moving; 6th, before coiling dragonfly’s antenna, cut off extra wires.
Step 3: attach chain to pendant Snip a piece of chain and attach two ends to antenna with jump rings. Tada, the unique handmade jewelry designs tutorial is done. This handcrafted pendant, I think, is more valuable than those for sale, because it is one of a kind, designed and made only by you. What a great way to cherish childhood memories!