Cut Out + Keep

Hand Stitched Note

Based on Hand Stitched Note by Lauren M. • Posted by Sweet C.

I really liked this project as a gift for my boyfriend... but I made some changes: -first, I made it into a pillow case! hehe~ I wanted to make the note somehow useful for him... the back is exactly the same as the front, but with no words (and an opening to insert the pillow of course... see picture 2) - I only hand stitched the words... (Lauren... hope you don't mind I used the same words :P)... the rest I did it with the sewing machine... - I changed the black circles for black buttons... thought it looked cuter this way >w< - the heart and the books and apple (in the top right corner) are patches (is that the correct word?) I bought in a craft store.... - on the border I added a red piping to make it more colorful.... just a small detail to make it more fun :) well... I hope you like my version... ^^

You will need


5 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium p1030160 1303852877 Medium p1030159 1303853131


I really liked this project as a gift for my boyfriend... but I made some changes: -first, I made it into a pillow case! hehe~ I wanted to make the note somehow useful for him... the back is exactly the same as the front, but with no words (and an opening to insert the pillow of course... see picture 2) - I only hand stitched the words... (Lauren... hope you don't mind I used the same words :P)... the rest I did it with the sewing machine... - I changed the black circles for black buttons... thought it looked cuter this way >w< - the heart and the books and apple (in the top right corner) are patches (is that the correct word?) I bought in a craft store.... - on the border I added a red piping to make it more colorful.... just a small detail to make it more fun :) well... I hope you like my version... ^^
