Cut Out + Keep

Hand Sewn Coin Purse

completely hand sewn • Posted by Steph.

I wasn't allowed my sewing machine with me in the caravan, so I decided to give hand sewing a go. This is my first ever attempt at hand sewing, so I'm pretty happy with it! Hope you like it x

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 103922 2f2014 08 14 100239 hand sewn%2bcoin%2bpurse Medium 103922 2f2014 08 14 170412 hand sewn%2bcoin%2bpurse


I wasn't allowed my sewing machine with me in the caravan, so I decided to give hand sewing a go. This is my first ever attempt at hand sewing, so I'm pretty happy with it! Hope you like it x


  1. First gather all of your supplies. I used two contrasting fabrics for the patchwork, a needle and thread, small scissors, a 15cm zip and fabric for the lining.

  2. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 100556 img 1488

    Using a cardboard template, cut 6 squares from each fabric

  3. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 100621 img 1490

    Pin two contrasting squares RS to each other and mark a 1cm line along one side. Sew along it (I used backstitch for all of the sewing on this project because it's more secure)

  4. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 100712 img 1491

    When you open it up, it should look like this from the back (once you've pressed the seam out) Do this for all of the squares

  5. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 100818 img 1495

    When you've matched every square to each other, start joining them together. The seam allowance is still 1cm.

  6. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 100946 img 1497

    When you've joined two 'pairs', it will look like this. Make sure the centres meet accurately!

  7. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 101026 img 1492

    Once you've joined 3 'pairs' together, you have made one side. Topstitch it (to keep the pressed seams down) using a neat running stitch.

  8. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 101119 img 1494

    Repeat theses steps to make the other half of the purse (don't worry that the middle section seems smaller than the rest, remember there'll be another 1cm taken off every side when you sew it all together!)

  9. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 101258 img 1477

    Attach the zip. Pin one of the patch-worked panels RS to the RS of the zip and sew along it. Do this for the other panel as well until it looks like this:

  10. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 101420 img 1480

    Cut out two pieces of lining (measuring the same size as your patch-worked panels). Repeat step 9 for the lining (only on the other side this time) and top stich it using running stitch....make sure it's neat!

  11. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 101533 img 1483

    *Make sure the zip is half open for this bit!!* Now for the tricky bit...flip each piece of fabric so that it's facing its twin. So the patch-worked fabric will be facing RS together and the lining fabric will be facing RS together as well. Sew from the bottom edge of the lining fabric (leaving a 2" gap at the bottom of it for turning) all the way round, over the zip and back to the bottom of the lining, making sure you leave the gap at the bottom.

  12. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 102403 img 1484

    Turn it all inside out through the gap you left in the lining. Stitch up the gap and you're done!

  13. Small 103922 2f2014 08 14 102507 img 1487

    Thanks for looking at my project, if you have any questions please comment below or message me. x