• Posted by Steves
I had a Wiccan friend who needed a ceremonial knife, but couldn't afford one. I made her this. She eventually bought one so she gave me this one back. The blade will not stay sharp (it's angle iron, a relatively soft material,) but she said it didn't need to be sharp. The pock-marks in the angle iron gave the blade a really cool texture in the center. The blade goes all the way through the handle. The dowel for the handle was originally plain. I used a dremel tool to make the swirly. Lots of machinery and busted knuckles involved in this one. Super cool though.
I had a Wiccan friend who needed a ceremonial knife, but couldn't afford one. I made her this. She eventually bought one so she gave me this one back. The blade will not stay sharp (it's angle iron, a relatively soft material,) but she said it didn't need to be sharp. The pock-marks in the angle iron gave the blade a really cool texture in the center. The blade goes all the way through the handle. The dowel for the handle was originally plain. I used a dremel tool to make the swirly. Lots of machinery and busted knuckles involved in this one. Super cool though.