Cut Out + Keep

Hand & Earwarmer Set

Easy to knit set. Perfect as a gift for Xmas :) • Posted by EJ W.

Heres a cute set Ive been making to give away as xmas gifts. The pattern was created by 'Creativeyarn', here is the link to her blog and this pattern: I have adapted the pattern to make the headband/earwarmer. Pls get in touch if you have any qs about the adapted pattern. (please see creativeyarns blog for original pattern) Adapted: Cast on 82, moss st for 3 rows, stockinette st for 4 rows, dble moss stitch pattern (rep x6), work 4 rows in stockinette, 3 more in moss, cast off on 5mm needles.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


8 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 2011 11 23 10.42.35 1322530151 Medium 2011 11 23 10.42.54 1322530450 Medium 2011 11 23 10.48.43 1322530508


Heres a cute set Ive been making to give away as xmas gifts. The pattern was created by 'Creativeyarn', here is the link to her blog and this pattern: I have adapted the pattern to make the headband/earwarmer. Pls get in touch if you have any qs about the adapted pattern. (please see creativeyarns blog for original pattern) Adapted: Cast on 82, moss st for 3 rows, stockinette st for 4 rows, dble moss stitch pattern (rep x6), work 4 rows in stockinette, 3 more in moss, cast off on 5mm needles.
