Cut Out + Keep

Hama Bead Purse :)

Based on Hama Bead Purse :) by my-best-friend-is-a-spaceship • Posted by my-best-friend-is-a-spaceship

This is my favourite purse. I made it in a week - GOD it takes a long time to make! I used yarn in stead of sewing thread to sew it together, but it is not as good because it will fall apart when time comes.. The yarn isn't as strong as the thread.. :( But I really love it!

You will need


100 h 00


Medium dsc 0824 1306148470


This is my favourite purse. I made it in a week - GOD it takes a long time to make! I used yarn in stead of sewing thread to sew it together, but it is not as good because it will fall apart when time comes.. The yarn isn't as strong as the thread.. :( But I really love it!
