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Halloween Pj Pants

Halloween pajamas for a first sewing project • Posted by Rukia K.

Again featured on my deviantart, Potcfreak100. Anyway, this was my first sewing project on my first ever sewing machine. My Grandma only helped me put in the elastic, and I did the rest. :D Chose Halloween fabric because that's my b-day and it was on sale. XD

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


4 h 10


Medium 058 1281240383


Again featured on my deviantart, Potcfreak100. Anyway, this was my first sewing project on my first ever sewing machine. My Grandma only helped me put in the elastic, and I did the rest. :D Chose Halloween fabric because that's my b-day and it was on sale. XD
