• Posted by Amanda Marie B.
The half pipe my boyfriend Jarrod and I built last summer (I know it’s not really a craft thing, but o well ) It’s pretty easy to put together and I didn’t go in to a lot of detail for you but there ‘s a lot of good instructions out there on the net.
The half pipe my boyfriend Jarrod and I built last summer (I know it’s not really a craft thing, but o well ) It’s pretty easy to put together and I didn’t go in to a lot of detail for you but there ‘s a lot of good instructions out there on the net.
-First you should decide what angle of transition you want -By using a makeshift compass draw out the first side panel using single layer of chipboard this will determine the transition, then cut it out and use it as a template for the rest of the side panels you’re going to be making
Judging on the width that you want for you half pipe cut out 2x4s, they should generally be 1 to 2 feet apart, in segments till you reach your desired length. -Line up your 2x4s along the side panels leaving two feet from each other. Nailing them one by one to the side panels
Lay the chipboard the long way for the surface for the ramp and put the screws in place, Repeat the step for the next ramp. After that’s all done you’ll make the bottom box (sorry there’s no picture of it) Cut three pieces of 2x4 about (two for the sides and one for the middle of the box) Cut out smaller pieces of 2x4 going vertical to fit between the sides and middle pieces. ( it will look like a wall when done) Lay the one or more Particle boards the long way
Now you just need to Surface it with the Laminate boards and Screws on the PVC pipes for the coping
You can add you own personality to your half pipe by painting or air bushings, Just add your own style to it and make it your own.