Cut Out + Keep

Hair Comb

DIY Hair Comb • Posted by Lemon Jitters

This is a super simple project. All you need is a hair comb and embroidery floss. I had a pack of hair combs that I got at Walgreens a long time ago (Like 10 or 12 combs for $4- they still have them). Vintage embroidery floss from forever ago.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium screen shot 2012 03 20 at 19.11.44


This is a super simple project. All you need is a hair comb and embroidery floss. I had a pack of hair combs that I got at Walgreens a long time ago (Like 10 or 12 combs for $4- they still have them). Vintage embroidery floss from forever ago.


  1. Small diy haircomb steps

    I wrapped in a V-shape pattern. I didn't use any glue - just tucked ends under the next color and tied off the last piece. I've used it a couple of different ways but this is my fave - an updo, 90's style.