Cut Out + Keep

Hair Bows

Hair Bows • Posted by moxiepurple

Hair accessories for a Craftster swap. For the top three I used brads I found in the scrap booking section.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium super simple hair doo dads swap 1245176691 Medium bluesisteralex   circle dragonfly bow 1245176703 Medium craftqueen707  kristen    dot bow 1245176711 Medium dip n dot  kaesi    star bow 1245176720 Medium lindsoriah   argyle bow 1245176729 Medium dscn2041 1278080783


Hair accessories for a Craftster swap. For the top three I used brads I found in the scrap booking section.


  1. Small dscn0526 1245179470

    Cut four to five inches of ribbon. I made this set for my roomie's daughter, she chose different beads in the end. (;

  2. Small dscn0527 1245179743

    Fold ribbon into an oval, overlapping a little in the back, then slide into the center of the bobby pin.

  3. Small dscn0530 1245179802

    Push the ribbon up in the center and push the threaded needle through the bottom back of the ribbon close to the bobby pin.

  4. Small dscn0535 1245179921

    Wrap the thread around the ribbon and the bobby pin. Before you tie off and cut the thread add your beads or embelishments if they can be secured with the thread as well. I wrapped the thread around the ribbon and top of the bobby pin and only needed to poke the needle through the ribbon twice (once to star and second to make the bead sit the dirction I wanted. I tied the thread onto itself at the end. I hope the photo illustrates what I mean about securing/wrapping.

  5. Small dscn0536 1245180256
