Cut Out + Keep

Gypsee Headband

Your style - your way • Posted by Challengeddino

I tend to be that annoying brat that will take whatever you give to me and do the exact opposite of it's original function with it. My mom and stepdad brought be back a necklace when they went to Las Vegas. It's not my style of necklace (and I'm semi-allergic to the damn thing). Being as bored as I usually am I took the necklace and wrapped it around my head and TADAH! Gypsee inspired headband.

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Pretty Easy
Medium camera1 259 1280963013


I tend to be that annoying brat that will take whatever you give to me and do the exact opposite of it's original function with it. My mom and stepdad brought be back a necklace when they went to Las Vegas. It's not my style of necklace (and I'm semi-allergic to the damn thing). Being as bored as I usually am I took the necklace and wrapped it around my head and TADAH! Gypsee inspired headband.


  1. Small camera1 266 1280964371

    Alright you need to find yourself a necklace. The type does not matter AS LONG AS YOU CAN FIT IT AROUND YOUR HEAD. If your necklace is not long enough add ribbon to the ends,making it long enough that it can be comfortably tied behind your head. Don't worry, just tie two SEPARATE ribbons at each end of the necklace to make it longer, you don't have to worry about ruining it.

  2. Small camera1 262 1280963543

    STYLE ONE If you necklace is long (like mine happens to be) you'll want to twist it around itself to shorten it. It creates a tangle of a mess but a neat effect. Tie it around your head and you're done!

  3. Small camera1 258 1280963625

    STYLE TWO If you want your headband to hang more rather than be bunched up, reduce the times you rap it around itself. Drape it over your hair and tie it when you're satisfied.

  4. Small camera1 263 1280963990

    Try different ways to wear the headband. You could put it to the side or in the front, maybe even in the back. Curl your hair and lace the necklace throughout it, whatever you deem fit. It's all up to your own interpretation/style. And remember - Funny faces make everything better :)