Cut Out + Keep

Gunnin' It Jumper Top

A sweet little top for warm weather! • Posted by Katie

This jumper top is super easy to make. Even just by looking at it I'm sure most sewers can figure it out. The only materials you'll need are a yard of gun patterned fabric (o r really any cute patterned fabric will do!). It should be a stretchy knit though. You'll also need two cute buttons.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium guntop 1204054531 Medium guntopdetail 1204054942


This jumper top is super easy to make. Even just by looking at it I'm sure most sewers can figure it out. The only materials you'll need are a yard of gun patterned fabric (o r really any cute patterned fabric will do!). It should be a stretchy knit though. You'll also need two cute buttons.
