A cute, cheap skirt!
I saw this $35 skirt at American Apparel, and I thought "There's no way that's worth that much money. I could make one myself for a lot cheaper." In a fit of inspiration, I found granny shorts for $4 like 5 minutes later at a thrift store, which would work perfectly.
Rip up the crotch seam, pin the front and back sections into straight lines (be careful of puckering) and then sew it back together.
Let me know what you think!
Tierra T. favorited Granny Shorts Into American Apparel Style Skirt 08 Nov 03:54
gloomy-smiles favorited Granny Shorts Into American Apparel Style Skirt 02 Mar 06:57
stephanie1704 favorited Granny Shorts Into American Apparel Style Skirt 27 Jul 02:40
trottalott favorited Granny Shorts Into American Apparel Style Skirt 22 Jul 19:13
Step 1
Sorry, I don't have any photos fpr the instructions yet. If I make another one later I'll put them up.
But take a pair of shorts with an inch elastic that will be long enough to be a skirt. I recommend one with pockets, because pockets are awesome.
Step 2
Use a seam ripper to remove the part of the shorts where they connect at the crotch.
Step 3
Pin the front sections together in a straight line. Be careful of puckering. Do the same for the back.
Step 4
Sew the sections back together. I recommend using a sewing machine so that the seams are good and tight.
Step 5
Once you've sewn it back together, make sure the hems are proper, and cut off the extra fabric on the inside. Enjoy!