Cut Out + Keep

Gourd Painting

halloween gourd painting • Posted by Jessica C.

I got decoration gourds on sale for a dollar and saw my paint by the table. I already had the rest of the supplies I used. I just looked at each gourd individually and this is what I came up with. I ended up using them to decorate the office. my favorite ones are the green gourd in the top row and the dragon's eye on the bottom row on the left.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc01827 1249967143 Medium dsc01828 1249967217 Medium dsc01829 1249967246 Medium dsc01830 1249967624 Medium dsc01813 1249967534


I got decoration gourds on sale for a dollar and saw my paint by the table. I already had the rest of the supplies I used. I just looked at each gourd individually and this is what I came up with. I ended up using them to decorate the office. my favorite ones are the green gourd in the top row and the dragon's eye on the bottom row on the left.
