Cut Out + Keep

Gothic/Victorian Resin Pendants

conversation pieces for sure! Everyone always compliments them when I wear them. :) • Posted by GryffindorGrl

these are just some of my resin pendants that I have made! i love working with resin, so many ideas and artwork can go into a piece and it is fun seeing the finished product! ps it usually takes a few days to do these, there are many steps to layering them, and preparing the images for the resin, but I hate adjusting the clock thing on here!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 20110209 134148 Medium img 20110209 133615 Medium img 20110209 133833 Medium img 20110209 134117 Medium img 20110202 132630


these are just some of my resin pendants that I have made! i love working with resin, so many ideas and artwork can go into a piece and it is fun seeing the finished product! ps it usually takes a few days to do these, there are many steps to layering them, and preparing the images for the resin, but I hate adjusting the clock thing on here!
