Cut Out + Keep

Gold Stud Bow Tee

Follow these steps • Posted by Jenna C.

Styling Tips: 1. You can create any design with these studs!! Make your own graphic stud tee design, print it and stud around it!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn4900


Styling Tips: 1. You can create any design with these studs!! Make your own graphic stud tee design, print it and stud around it!


  1. Small dscn4534

    Gather materials.

  2. Small dscn4533

    You'll need to print a photo of a big bow. Here is the one we printed!

  3. Small dscn4535

    Tape the printed out bow to your tee.

  4. Small dscn4538

    Pick an area to begin. Push the first stud through the front of the tee. Turn the tee inside out and fasten prongs. You can easily do this with your fingers/nails. They are not super tough studs.

  5. Small dscn4539

    Start studding around the bow. Here are some pictures to guide you through our bow project...

  6. Small dscn4549

    Keep takes a while...but it's SO worth it :)

  7. Small dscn4545

    Be sure to stud around the paper, not ON the paper.

  8. Small dscn4566

    Stud stud stud...

  9. Small dscn4567

    Here is a close up. We're getting towards the end, but we want to make sure that the studs fit in just right.

  10. Small dscn4568

    Here is a look at the inside of our tee.

  11. Small dscn4570

    Now that the outside of the bow is finished, we're going to give our hands a rest. Okay that's good...back to work!

  12. Small dscn4573

    Now, peel off your printed out bow.

  13. Small dscn4575

    Almost done! Here is the border of the bow. Lookin good!

  14. Small dscn4576

    Now we lay out the studs for the middle section, just to make sure they fit right.

  15. Small dscn4580

    After approving your layout, secure studs on the tee. Here is side #1.

  16. Small dscn4585

    Et Voila!! So chic, so easy! To D.I.Y. for...