God's Eye
Posted by Twiggy
We made these in elementary school, and at camp.
For the sticks, -- 6 sticks, two 18 inches long and four 14 inches long. (About these sizes.)
You Will Need (3 things)
- 6 Stick(s)
- 1 skein Yarn
- Scissors
Steps (2 steps, 30 minutes)
Start by crossing the 2 longest sticks. Tie the loose end of the yarn around the intersection and wind it around several times to secure the sticks. Next, wrap the yarn around the closest stick, flush against the intersection. Now wrap it around the next closest stick. Keep doing this, working your way toward the ends of the sticks until only about 3 inches are left. Cut the yarn and tie a knot at the end around a stick.
To add a frame around the God's Eye, put the 4 smaller sticks in a square around the edge of the woven sticks, wrap yarn and tie them in place, to secure the frame. We would always tuck summer pics and knick knacks between the yarn.