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Goats Cheese & Caramelised Onion Tagliatelle

A rich & sweet tagliatelle for a quick dinner! • Posted by Cat Morley

It's been ages since we've had pasta and I was beginning to crave Tom's homemade tagliatelle ( so we had it for dinner recently and I created a new way to serve it.

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Medium 108765 2f2015 05 05 103758 img 6696


It's been ages since we've had pasta and I was beginning to crave Tom's homemade tagliatelle ( so we had it for dinner recently and I created a new way to serve it.


  1. Small 108765 2f2015 05 05 103805 img 6691

    Start boiling your tagliatelle and toast the pine nuts in a small frying pan with a little olive oil.

  2. Small 108765 2f2015 05 05 103832 img 6692

    Add the goats cheese, caramalised onion chutney and balsamic vinegar and stir until it has melted.

  3. Small 108765 2f2015 05 05 104025 img 6693

    Drain the cooked tagliatelle and pour in the sauce. Drizzle over a little olive oil and stir to combine.

  4. Small 108765 2f2015 05 05 104119 img 6696

    Serve with some freshly grated parmesan, dried herbs and season with salt & pepper.