'Go Go'/Crazybones

primary school memories...

Posted by Dribble-Drabble


GoGos or Crazybones were huge in primary school, and when I saw my little brother shooting his old ones with a bb gun I grabbed a handful to make earrings with IzzyWhizzy who was over at the time :)


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Go Gos
  • Earring Hooks
  • Seed Beads
  • Beading Wire

Steps (4 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Drill a hole down the Gogos head(Or get your Dad to!)

  2. 2

    Cut about 4cm of wire and atach a seed bead on the end like so...:)

  3. 3

    Stick the wire up through the Gogo's head

  4. 4

    Attach the wire to the earring hook and you're done!