Cut Out + Keep

Glitterize Your Shoes!

"Some girls were just born with glitter in their veins." -Paris Hilton • Posted by Art Princess

This was SOOOOOO much fun!!!:D I HIGHLY recommend this project! I now want to do this in every color!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn16562 1299784121 Medium dscn1657 1299782856 Medium dscn1661 1299784133 Medium dscn1658 1299784367


This was SOOOOOO much fun!!!:D I HIGHLY recommend this project! I now want to do this in every color!


  1. Small dscn1647 1299782967

    First pick out a shoe that you want to glitterize! This is my mom with one of the shoes she chose. Mine were the same, just a size bigger. They can be pretty much any material, but I recommend NOT using patent leather shoes because the glitter won't stick quite as nicely.

  2. Small dscn1646 1299783182

    Measure out the mod podge glue and the glitter. It will be a 1:1 ratio, so you want as much glue as you have glitter. We used 2 oz glue and 2 oz glitter, but then we had TONS of leftovers and had to go on this crazy search to find tons of more things to glitterize haha So I would cut that at least in half, if not more! Also I would recommend using very fine glitter. We did and it came out amazing! But I've seen pics of people who used bigged glitter and it looks kinda chunky:/ Oh! And this is my good friend in this pic, we had a glitterizing party:)

  3. Small dscn1645 1299785308

    Mix your glitter-glue concoction up really really good!

  4. Small dscn1648 1299783583

    Paint your glitter-glue concoction onto your shoes:D They will look much lighter than the color glitter you chose because of the glue, don't worry, if you use mod podge, it WILL dry clear:) This is a pic of me, by the way haha

  5. Small dscn1649 1299783757

    And keep painting layer after layer of the glitter-glue concoction until all of your shoe is covered:)

  6. Small dscn1650 1299783826

    Now is the time if you have a lot of excess glitter-glue concoction to find other things to glitterize. I didn't take a pic, but my mom even glitterized 2 purses and a glasses case haha Then let dry and then LIGHTLY spray with some clear glaze spray. Let dry again:)

  7. Small dscn1661 1299784350

    Then show off your awesome new glitterized shoes!!!!