Cut Out + Keep

Glass Soap Jar Dispensers

Looking for another great reason to keep your old glass jars? These glass jar soap dispensers are it. • Posted by judyrom

They are really easy to make and super eye catching. This project would make for a perfect mid-week upcycle. Find out how to make your own.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 103627 2f2014 07 29 045155 glass jar soap dispenser2


They are really easy to make and super eye catching. This project would make for a perfect mid-week upcycle. Find out how to make your own.


  1. Small 103627 2f2014 07 29 045313 glass jar materials

    First save the jars you want to use and clean them thoroughly. We upcycled a honey jar and a salsa jar for our glass jar soap dispensers. Getting the labels and label glue off of the jars might just be the most difficult part of this upcycle. To do this we soaked the jars in soapy water and then peeled the labels off. A bit of nail polish remover is handy for getting the last bits of glue off.

  2. Small 103627 2f2014 07 29 045328 drill lid

    Next you want to drill a hole in the top of your jar lid. Use a large drill bit size for this and one intended for use on metal.

  3. Small 103627 2f2014 07 29 045343 glass jar soap

    Once you’ve drilled the lid you’ll want to extend the hole so that your soap dispenser pump fits through. Use your metal pliers to stretch the size of the hole for this.

  4. Small 103627 2f2014 07 29 045400 silicone adhesive

    Secure the pump to the lid hole with silicone adhesive. This will keep the pump in place and also prevent the lid metal from rusting. Allow for the silicone to dry and fill your glass jar with soap. Repeat for how ever many soap dispensers you wish to make. Step back and admire your awesome new upcycled glass jar soap dispensers.