Cut Out + Keep

Girl And Bear Mobile

Find & Keep • Posted by Hardie Grant

I have made quite a few mobiles in my time – for exhibitions, to sell on my
website, or to have at home. I think they are great story-telling vessels.
This one tells the forlorn tale of a bear who is in love with a girl. He pursues
her relentlessly (as only a bear knows how). Unfortunately for him, the girl
does not return his love. Here, she is telling him off and about to threaten
him with an arrow (a pursuing bear can be a little aggressive!), while the
poor old bear reaches out his arms in hope.
You can recreate this tale of unrequited love or make up your own version
of the story in this mobile.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium screen shot 2013 05 02 at 23.05.17 Medium screen shot 2013 05 02 at 23.05.43


I have made quite a few mobiles in my time – for exhibitions, to sell on my
website, or to have at home. I think they are great story-telling vessels.
This one tells the forlorn tale of a bear who is in love with a girl. He pursues
her relentlessly (as only a bear knows how). Unfortunately for him, the girl
does not return his love. Here, she is telling him off and about to threaten
him with an arrow (a pursuing bear can be a little aggressive!), while the
poor old bear reaches out his arms in hope.
You can recreate this tale of unrequited love or make up your own version
of the story in this mobile.


  1. Make some sheets of ink-washed
paper in pink and aqua. When they are
dry, gather all the paper together. Use 
the pink for the girl’s hair and one of
the bear’s arms, and the aqua for the
girl’s arms and the bear’s face.

  2. Using the copied templates, cut out
all your pieces from the paper and
 coloured card. Many of the pieces 
need doubles – for these pieces, cut
on the fold as shown.

  3. Organise all the pieces to
make sure you are not missing
any parts.

  4. Paint details onto the bodies, such as
small dots on the girl’s jumpsuit and
fur on the bear.

  5. For each side of the bear’s body, first
glue down the face and then affix the
constructed arms with a split pin.

  6. Attach embroidery thread to the
reverse side of the bear’s body and
then stick the two body parts together,
sandwiching the thread in between.
Make sure you don’t add glue around
the pin area, as the pins need to be
able to move around.

  7. Construct the girl’s arms – use glue
to attach her hands to each arm so
they are sandwiched between the
two arm pieces.

  8. Construct the girl’s body –
sandwich her feet and head pieces
in between the jumpsuit, then stick
the jumpsuit pieces together to hold
everything in place.

  9. Place embroidery thread on one of
the inside-facing pieces of the hair,
then attach the hair pieces to either
side of the face with the embroidery
thread sandwiched in between.

  10. Add the shapes to the thread
– again, so they sandwich the
thread in between them.

  11. Tie the thread with the attached
pieces to the dowel. It can take a bit
of tweaking to balance the mobile.
Tying it initially allows you to move
the parts around; when you have the
mobile balanced, glue it all in place.