Cut Out + Keep


Can't get enough of Gir! • Posted by Soundsargent

I love Invader zim! So I had make a Gir stuffie for myself! When I couldn't find a how to I liked I made my own!

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1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0857 1311976730


I love Invader zim! So I had make a Gir stuffie for myself! When I couldn't find a how to I liked I made my own!


  1. Small gir  028 1311982395

    trace and cut out your gir out of green cloth!

  2. Small gir  029 1311977801

    Stitch together your gir. (leaving a hole to stuff him!)

  3. Small gir  030 1311978271

    Stuff Gir with cotton stuffing,Tacos, Burgers, and Things Zim disaproves of.

  4. Small gir  031 1311978381

    stitch up Girs back!

  5. Trace and cut out girs eyes!

  6. Small gir  034 1311978588

    Place them where you want them.

  7. Small gir  035 1311978669

    Place a dot with a sharpie on both of Girs eyes.

  8. Small gir  036 1311978761

    Using the sharpie marks as a guide stitch Girs eyes on with the black thread!

  9. Small gir  039 1311978853

    Stich that line down Girs face with black thread. (make sure to leave a little space for his nose.)

  10. Small gir  040 1311979103

    Stitch his nose.

  11. Small gir  042 1311979544

    stitch on his leg. (Take your thread pull it through. knot it again and again until it makes a little black stub.repeat for other leg.)

  12. Small gir  043 1311981904

    Repeat step 12 for ears and tail.stitch a zipper out of silver thread. Stitch the arm on the same way as the nose. Cut a tounge shape and sew it on. brush clear nail polish over the ends of girs ears, legs, and tail. done (sorry I was so busy forgot to take pictures!)