• Posted by Search Press
Size: 8cm (3in) tall
Size: 8cm (3in) tall
Front panel, first leg Using yarn A, cast on 7 sts. Rows 1–5: beg with a p WS row, work 5 rows in st st. Break yarn, place sts on a holder.
Second leg Work as for first leg but do not break yarn. Row 6 k7, then k across held 7 sts of first leg (14 sts). Rows 7–15: beg with a p WS row, work 9 rows in st st. Row 16: cast on 5 sts, k to end (19 sts). Row 17: cast on 5 sts, p to end (24 sts). Rows 18–23: beg with a k RS row, work 6 rows in st st. Row 24: cast off 7 sts, k to end (17 sts). Row 25: cast off 7 sts, p to end (10 sts). Row 26: cast on 5 sts, k to end (15 sts). Row 27: cast on 5 sts, p to end (20 sts). Rows 28–33: beg with a k RS row, work 6 rows in st st. Row 34: (k2, k2tog) to end (15 sts). Row 35: (p1, p2tog) to end (10 sts). Break yarn, thread through all sts and pull tightly. Fasten off.
Back panel Work as given for front panel to row 15. Row 16: k to end. Row 17: cast on 5 sts, p to end (19 sts). Row 18: cast on 5 sts, k to end (24 sts). Rows 19–24: beg with a p WS row, work 6 rows in st st. Cast off.
To make up With the fastened-off yarn end of the front panel, sew the back seam of the head down to the neck. Sew all the side seams and lightly stuff. Using yarn B, embroider chain stitches on the front panel across the hands and feet, and make backstitches for the mouth. Using two strands of yarn B held together, work a French knot for each eye. Using yarn C, work three French knots down the body. Using yarn D, embroider a bow tie at the neck with long horizontal backstitches, gathered in the middle with a short vertical stitch. Using a length of string, attach a hanging loop if desired.