Ginger And Cinnamon To Burn Body Fat

Cinnamon and Ginger Fat Burning

Posted by NaEl__


Cinnamon and Ginger was once more valuable than gold and the medicinal uses for cinnamon and Ginger date back to the days of the Egyptians.

Add Cinnamon and Ginger to your coffee, tea, and sweet snacks for added flavor and a health boost.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • - One teaspoon Ginger , crushed.
  • - 2 teaspoons ground Cinnamon .
  • One tablespoon White Honey
  • - Sliced ​​ Lemon .

Steps (1 step, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    How to prepare ginger syrup with cinnamon

    Dissolve cinnamon in a cup of water and put on the fire until it is boiling add the ginger and continue stirring and lifted from the fire
    And pours in a cup and sweetened with honey and add to it some lemon slices.