• Posted by DarkAshHurts
A cool way to make a brand-new necklace for free! All you need is a old gift/credit card. And some creativity. ;) I think these are a perfect alternative to 'shrinky dinks' ...NO MELTING, & NO $$!!! Here, ill show you u how to make 2 necklaces...a bat & vampire teeth. :)
A cool way to make a brand-new necklace for free! All you need is a old gift/credit card. And some creativity. ;) I think these are a perfect alternative to 'shrinky dinks' ...NO MELTING, & NO $$!!! Here, ill show you u how to make 2 necklaces...a bat & vampire teeth. :)
Pick a simple picture you like, & draw it onto your gift card in pencil. For bigger designs, i use those big iTunes cards.
Cut out design by outline.
**OPTIONAL** Add more depth to your design, with hot-glue-gun. . On teeth, I added thick globs where the blood would be (see next pic). On Bat, I put globs where the veins & body are. ...once that dried, i added another dot glob on the face for a 'snout'.
Use arylic paint to color your design! Make it realistic or abstract, whatever you want! (see i painted the glue globs a different color)
Paint the back a solid color also....this all might take a few coats of paint, to cover the words on the card. . (Be careful after painting, bc it scratches off easily!)
(Heres a pic to show the depth the glue made) :)
Once it looks good, take it outside & spray-seal it on both sides (according to spray instructions).
**OPTIONAL** + Add some rhinestones with super glue! (u could do a whole necklace in just rhinestones if u want!!)
Heat a safety pin, & make holes thru plastic in top corners. Then add jump rings. . I also added a jumpring at bottom of one tooth, to add a red "blood drop" bead (which is on a headpin). Add jumprings to the bat as well.
String some cord thru the rings, & add a necklace clasp.
Put it on & Rock It!! . Try making any image you want, & share your results!(maybe Hello Kitty or butterfly maybe?) . (these necklaces actually owned by 'GryffindorGrl', my partner in the Goth Swap) :D