Gift Bags Project
Today we are doing a Gift Bag for Party Favors.
Posted by V-I-O-L-E-T Z.
My daughter's 3rd (can't believe it!) Birthday in going to be this week and it means everything needs to be ready on time. Birthday Theme - Ocean and Sea Creatures.
Today we are doing a Gift Bag for Party Favors.
You Will Need (9 things)
- Lunch Brown Paper Bag
- Pencil(s)
- Pages From Magazine(s) With Water Images
- Sea Shells
- Hot Glue Gun
- Yarn In "Water" Colors
- Hole Punch
- Shape Punch with Sea related Images
- Glitter Paint in "Water" colors
Steps (10 steps, 30 minutes)
Let's Begin! Fold inside the top of the Brown Bag for about 1 " or so
Punch holes to accommodate future ties
Cut yarn into strips long enough to to tie a bow and decorate the ends with mini sea shells of your choice attaching them with hot glue.
Draw a basic sea scape using Crayons. Brush over some glitter paint to add dimensions.
Punch Sea Creatures
or cut out from magazines and glue them over the Sea Scape to create an underwater scene.
For the next set of ties, do the same thing as before but for the decorations we are going to use a different trim. Punch few rounds out of magazines.
Then punch a sea creatures of your choice. Put a contrasting color craft paper behind your punch circle and we've got a new set of trims for your Favor bags:)
Last touch, add a Fish Shape Cut Out on top of the bag with initial of the guest
and you are done!
Tomorrow we are going to be talking about Favor Bag Contents:)
Happy Monday everyone!